Badger Army Ammunition Plant

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" Inside the Fence", a four year photography project to interpret and document the Badger Army Ammunition Plant, a 7,354 acre ordinance plant in rural Sauk County, Wisconsin, was produced to help current and future generations understand the history and significance of BAAP in local and national contexts.

The plant was constructed in 1942 to produce propellant for WWII and was also active for the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam. Over 12,000 people worked at the plant during its construction, and over 30,000 worked there during its 58 year history. The construction and operation of the plant had profound socio-economic effects on the Sauk County area.

The project culminated in an exhibit of over 70 photographs by eight photographers, which premiered in March 2002 during Madison's Photo Fest, and later in the year reopened at the Wisconsin Historical Society Museum on the Capital Square. Photographs examined BAAP infrastructure, landscapes, demolition, farmstead ruins, and portraits of former workers and displaced residents.
Zane Williams was one of the participating photographers and co-directed the project. (See "The Art of the Badger Army Plant": Capitol Times, 7/24/2002). For further articles, see "Of People and Prairie", "Fall 2000," and "Dreaming of Badger: The Inside Story", Summer 2002 both from The Wisconsin Academy Review.
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zane photographer in madison wisconsin, photos for the poject, Zane Williams projects